Wednesday 28 December 2011

Kl trip with family!

I'm back! 

I went Kl with my family and my lil cousin sis last Saturday. Next Wednesday I will be back to school for study. And what? I hate it so much. Hate it badly. I will miss holiday when I'm in school. I'm fifteen next year, but I feel that I'm still the same.

We are the last batch of students to test Pmr. It makes me feel so strees. I already planned. After Pmr, I will go for a trip with my school-mates *I think mommy won't let me go* Then mommg will bring me braces, I'm so excited for this! I can't wait! Hahahaha!

I like the Christmas decoration at the shopping mall so much!

Went Tokyo Street to have our lunch! 


I saw a super big Domo at there! Like it so much! 

I saw free hug outside the shopping mall!

I buy myself a Swatch watch as my birthday present :)

I am thinking that I should cut my hair or keep it long? BUT I don't want to tie up my hair to school. I looks so ugly when I tie up my hair. It will make my face looks very BIG! Someone can tell me should I cut my hair or keep it long? Please please! I need your help! :/


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