Tuesday 3 January 2012

The first day in school

Always forget here.

Yooooo, today is the first day I back to school. I am so sad that Xueqi is transfer to Cameron Highland, I miss her so much. The only thing make me feel happy is I'm in the same class with Horyan! Yeah, no need to be alone liao! Hahahahahaha.

All the teachers in morning class are so terrible. I am so scare of them. I miss the time we play at the corridor. We can't play like before now. Must focus in Pmr. Study hard and hard. Horyan told me she want go to Genting Highland with friends after that. She invited me too! But I don't know mommy will let me go or not.

And what? I tie up my hair to school today! Some of them said I looks more better when I tie up my hair. Phewww, fortunately the boys didn't laugh at me.

My hair looks so messy here! But I like it! <3

Wanna show you guys my new year clothes that I bought from Kl.

I found my favourite high waist pants at Kitchen! (@ Sunway Pyramid). Then I bought a T-shirt same with mommy. Two for only Rm39! Very cheap right? 

Wanna go and have a sleep. Bye!


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