Thursday 23 February 2012

What to do?

I am so in love with HIM. 
But I don't know how to talk with him 
cause he is too shy.
And, I am shy too. Damn.

Actually he is not handsome at all.
But he is such a nice guy and 
my friend told me yesterday,
I am his first love.
Awww, so happy to hear that.
He asked my friend wanna go Laser Battle with him after exam or not.
Hmm, my friend said that means he want me to go too.

I think I should go.
This is a very good close to his opportunity
I will except him after exam, I promised.
Cause I am getting tired of waiting.
Getting tired of waiting him. 

Hey stupid guy, ILOVEYOU.
You hear that?
I said,


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Single Valentine

First at all, Happy Valentine to all of you!

This is the first time I received present during Valentine. He touched me but... I am so sorry that I didn't say thank you to you. But you really touched me. Feel likes I am in love with you. But I am so afraid that I'll fallin' in love with the wrong person AGAIN.

I think I should give you some time to understand me. Cause I haven't ready for the new relationship. Maybe I'll give you my answer after the March exam. Hope you can wait for me.

Thank you. Really thank you. I like it so much. ♡

Saturday 11 February 2012

The stupid Angela

Hmmm, many people said I looks like a FROG in this picture.

Sunday 22 January 2012


Going out with my dearest friends yesterday! What a tiring day. Went shopping for about 4 hours but I didn't buy anything. Just walk here walk there chit-chat with guys at Cafe. This is what I do in the shopping mall with friends yesterday. LOL! Wasting our time in the shopping mall.

And what? I've polish my nails to polka dots on Friday! Omg, I love it so so much!

Not really nice but I love it so much. I think I will polish my nails to Spongebob next new year. Hahahaha.

Outfit of yesterday!

With Horyan! I looks like a little girl at here cause she's more mature than me!

Apple & me! This is the first time I went shopping with her. Her face is so chubby!


Friday 13 January 2012

Some pictures!

Hello! I just came back from tuition class! Very tired looooo!
#Myfacelooksverychubbyright? :(

With my messy hair! Love it so much!

New year clothes! I really love the high waist pants so so much! I looks so slim when I wear this pants up! Hahahahaha!

10 more days then will be Chinese New Year. I am so excited! But grandma tell me a bad news this afternoon, she said that the bitch will come back Ipoh after Chinese New Year. Damn, I think mommy will be very very angry after she know this.

And what, I must go back to the kokurikulum every Saturday. I am so lazy you know? I don't want to wake up early in the morning everyday. So I already tell mommy that I won't go back to school tomorrow. Although I know I am St.John Form3 AJK. But I still very lazy. I wanted to sleep until afternoon tomorrow! Oh yeah! Then Dominate said he'll treat me Haagen Dazs tomorrow. Hahahaha! I hope he's not joking with me.

Time to go, bye!

#I'll update soon.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Something happened in these days...

I am fifteen year-old now. This is the first time I saw a woman like her. She's so sucks. I hate her, and I hate my cousin too. I can't believe that she dare to kill my brother, dare to scold my mom & dad. I am so angry when I saw her status.

She said that my dad & my dad's friends are low-class, no manners and so. Oh please, please think properly when you write that status bitch. You're so idiot. Nowadays my mom still talking the something about her. I feel so angry when I heard her name.

Okay, TKH, I must tell you, you're not my cousin anymore. YOU ARE NOT MY COUSIN ANYMORE :)

Thursday 5 January 2012

Hello, it's Friday today!

Lack of sleep after re-open school.
I've tuition class at 3.30pm later, I have no time to sleep at noon now.
