Friday 21 October 2011


Finally, I've finish my exam and I can relax in this week! And I want to say Happy Depavalli with all the Indians. ( Although I didn't have any Indian freinds -.- )

I want to tell you guys a very funny thing. The day before yesterday, I slept at daddy's room then I complain the air-con in his room is sooooooooo cold! And then mommy called me to wear daddy's sweater to slept. LOL. Looks like I live in American. Hahahaha! But the sweater really make me felt very warm.

Some edit in this photo. Wearing daddy's sweater. Mommy tell me daddy buy this sweater at Japan, Tokyo 18 years ago. Cause daddy work at Japan for 1 year before.

Looks like long hair right? Hahahaha! My hair didn't grow up. *sad* But nevermind, I'll wait it to be long. I've tuition class later. Kay, bye.


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