Thursday 20 October 2011

After tomorrow ...

Hey guys! I'm back! Do you all miss me? Hahahahah!

I've done my Malay, Mathematics, Science, Geografi & English paper these four days. And tomorrow I'll have the Sejarah and Science paper one. The Mathematics paper2 is easier than the paper one? Many questions in the paper one I don't know how to do. Just skip it. LOL!

Actually, tomorrow not the last day of exam. After next week will continue the last three papers ( PJK, Pendidikan Seni & Pendidikan Moral ). Next week my school will holiday one week. Then maybe I'll meet Huiyi at next Wednesday. Cause next Wednesday is Depavalli. It's been so long I didn't meet her lor! Miss her so so much!

Say something about the picture at the top. As you know, I've been keep my short hair for 8 years! Yes, 8 years! And now, I want to keep it long again! Cause I am curious what I was look like in long hair! Hahahahah! I'm waiting for my hair grow now! Damn excited!

Kay guys, I'll be back soon!


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