Thursday 3 November 2011

I miss you badly.

Although I've been single more and a year, but I still missing you. Especially at the last, I dream of you everyday every night. I always imagine that you're by my side, you know? Hey you, I miss you so so much. Perhaps you don't know, I still loving you. I hope one day you will understand, I am here for you. I am here waiting for you. 

Hey, you know? I still keeping the donkey & the ring that you gave me. See, I wear it everyday. I miss the feel you hold my hand the feel you kiss my face especially the feel you hug me in your arms. Really makes me feel very very very warm you know?

Until now I still don't understand why you'll say break up with me. At least give me a reason for it. I'll try to  forget all the things about you FROM NOW. You make my life coulourless..


1 comment:

  1. nevermind (:
    i'm sure you'll get trough. 我hold住你 xD
