Friday 7 October 2011

Final exam is coming!

Yessss, final exam will be held on 17 october. For me, this is a bad news. LOL. I hate final exam, but I can't escape. *sighh* Mommy said she will bring me to Cameron Highlands after exam. I hope so. I hope she is not joking with me.

Hmmm, the final exam make me very stress. And my tuition teacher give us a lot of extra class. So now, I need to go to tuition class morning & night. It's freaking tired you know? But mommy think that is good for me. LOL. I don't think so. Just feel very very tired for that.

Nevermind, after final exam, I'll free like hell! Wooohooooooo! So, is time to study hard now. Pray for all the students who having final exam now. (:


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